Missy and Barry Keeping Cool

Well, we've had our very first tag sale. Our neighbors, Rick and Judy, decided to "cull the herd" of their overstocked house, and graciously invited the neighborhood to join in. So, we put some stuff that we knew we wanted to sell and added it to the impressive collection of items for sale. In addition to Rick & Judy, Todd and Missy also joined us with a bunch of stuff for sale, too. It was hot, but not as bad as last week, and we were able to keep cool (the wine coolers broke out by 10:00 am - hey - it was noon somewhere in the world).
We were joined by Rick & Judy's daughter Amber, along with her daughter Alexandra, by mid afternoon, and finally ajourned to their backyard about 4:00 to enjoy a cookout. Eventually, we were joined by Amber's husband Greg, then our neighbor Jean before we headed home for a nap. An excellent day!
Check out the pictures!