UConn's Titan Arum - the Corpse Flower.

My neighbor, Melissa, in front of the Corpse Flower.

Why am I smiling? It smells like 3 day old roadkill in here!

Well, I got to see the Corpse Flower that is blooming ridulously close to my house. UConn's Life Sciences Department has grown this unusual tropical flower from a seed the size of a Lima Bean. It flowers VERY infrequently (it was planted 10 years ago), and when it does, it's amazing. The flower grew from a small stalk to over 5 feet tall in less than a month. When the base of the flower opens, it emits a NASTY stench that smells like something died several days previously on the side of the road. In the middle of summer. *gag*
But this was a once in a lifetime chance to see something unusual. :) More information can be found on UConn's web site. If you don't see the link directly, you can search on "corpse flower" to find articles on it.
Cool! I read about the Corpse Flower in today's Globe and was thinking that I wish I had time to get down there.
Well, as of this morning (Friday 7/9), the main stem had withered, so the show's over. :( Good thing I got there when I did and bought the T-shirt!!! :)
I trust that's NOT a scratch 'n sniff shirt!
It is after I wear it when I mow the North 40!!!
It is after I wear it when I mow the North 40!!!
It is after I wear it when I mow the North 40!!!
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