Barry and I just got back from a glorious weekend of drinking (and buying) way too much wine. It started with my asking Barry what he wanted to do for the weekend, and apparently it didn't involve yard work. So I booked a room at
The Manor House in Norfolk at the last minute and we headed off for Western Connecticut to do the
Wine Trail.

As we arrived at our first destination, the Hopkins Inn and Vineyard, we settled back for a relaxing lunch on the veranda. I realized I didn't have the good camera, but I did have my cell phone. At least there's something fuzzy to show you. The picture on the left shows you the view we had as we relaxed.
After enjoying the wine at Hopkins, we headed north, skipping Haight Vineyards (I hate Haight wines), and visited the first of several new vineyards that are on the tour - Jerram Winery and The Land of Nod. For my taste, Jerram's wines were a mixed bag, but we were both pleasantly surprised by the Land of Nod. Odd name, good wine. The guy who was doing our tasting allowed us to sample a new blend they were trying. It wasn't even labeled yet (they only bottled 4 cases), and because I liked it so much, he gave me a bottle for free! I'll definitely be trying to go back in the future...

We then headed to the Manor House where we enjoyed a bottle of the Peach wine we picked up at Hopkins while soaking in a hot jaccuzi bath and nibbling on dark chocolate. Gosh, life can be so difficult sometimes. :) The picture on the right shows the front of the manor house. It was a lovely old Victorian mansion that had several original Tiffany stained glass windows throughout. Just amazing! And we had a balcony off of our room where we enjoyed the crisp night air after our luxury bath. That is, until we started to see our breath and came in before catching our death of cold.

The next morning, we arose to a wonderful breakfast at the inn, then packed the car and headed down the amazingly scenic Route 7. We passed through some of the most gorgeous hills and valleys in the state - Barry kept saying he couldn't believe we were still in Connecticut.
The picture to the left is of Kent Falls, right on Route 7. We almost went by it, but after seeing a glimpse of it as I was crusing by, Barry told me to turn around and head back - I'm glad he did!
We then finished with the rest of the wineries on the western trail, and ended with a winery on the Eastern Trail. We had about 2 cases of wine in the car when we finally pulled into the house, along with enough engraved wine glasses (you get your glass free when you pay for a wine tasting at most of the wineries in Connecticut) to stock multiple wine bars.
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