Abby McCartney-Ferris has joined our house! She arrived this weekend where she initially was very shy, but is now very affectionate and - as is the nature of all cats - curious.
Her initial hours were spent hiding behind the dryer in the first floor bathroom. We decided to put her litter box and food in there for now just to get her acclaimated to the house. She hid in there for a few hours before I was able to coax her out with a few Pounce treats. Needless to say, all cats LOVE Pounce. :)

Over her initial shyness, she immediately began to explore her new home. She went into every room, sniffed into every corner, and got comfortable with the surroundings. Barry read that most cats when introduced to a new home tend to hide for a few days, sometimes even a month, until they get used to it. Abby, however, was snuggling with us before evening, and even spent some of the night with us in bed.

Saturday was a bit anxious to start - I looked everywhere for her and couldn't find her. I knew that I didn't have any external doors open, so she needed to be
somewhere in the house. But she was an accomplished hider. We eventually tracked her down under the bed where she was hiding once again. Barry was concerned about her staying under there, so we removed the mattresses and physically removed her from her new cave. We shut the door to the bedroom to prevent her from hiding under there again, which she was initially put off by. However, throughout the day, she was snuggling next to me on the couch as we watched movies, purring up a storm. She now takes to sitting on the arms of the couch and side chair, looking like an Egyptian Sphinx - all wise and knowing. :)
I'm sure you'll see more pictures of her over time!
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