My New Ford Escort Hybrid.

Another Angle.

At my mother's insistance, here are pictures of my new Ford Escort Hybrid. I traded in my wonderful Sebring Convertible (whimpering the entire way). At the point that I realized that I needed a new garbage can for the house, and that there was no way to get it home in the middle of winter without popping the top, I caved.
It was a moment of cruel clarity that I no longer was living a single, carefree lifestyle of the not-quite-rich and infamous. I was a home owner, was driving a HECK of a distance to work, and living in the backwater of Connecticut where snow and treacherous driving conditions were the norm during winter.
So, doing my research, I discovered that I needed the room of an SUV with the gas mileage of a Hybrid. Guess what? Ford has the only Hybrid SUV on the market today. So, the choice was pretty cut and dried.
But, on the positive note, the car is fun to drive and it's a hoot when I'm able to drive several miles in traffic in the morning completely on battery power. I'm getting about 5-6 MPG more than my convertible, and I have the room to haul the items I need for the house.
It took us three days to finally get on your site to see your fabulous new toy. It's beautiful. We are envious. Now you will be hawling everyone's "needed" items since they have the classic small cars. Thanks for putting the pictures on. Heard from Annie today -------- she wanted your blog site ------- lost it someplace. I told her it will take a long time to catch up on all your entries.
Your South Carolina "fans".
Hey, guys.
This blog is fabulous. The photos are great. I'll send along to Billy. We're all fine. I guess we've passed the anniversary of our "family reunion" in Harrisville. That was sad. But so fun. Jeff, I told your mom that we're looking at a house on the great lake. If the deal goes through, I'll send pictures! She's right. It'll take me a long time to catch up with all that's here. Tell Barry I said Hi! Love, Annie
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