Barry sympathizing with a local.

As you can see from this photo - Barry was ready to take a break after 2 days at Toy Fair in late February. Since we were in NYC, we decided to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art where I got to indulge in its fabulous Egyptian exhibits:

Egyptian Temple

Barry had lots of fun with the statuary, but this was his favorite one, though:

Statue at the Met

I know there's some sort of mythology behind this, which Barry knows, but I just can't remember what it was. Something about the guy being condemned to starving to death and his sons insisting that they be eaten to save their dad. Quite twisted, if you ask me.
After spending a great morning and early afternoon at the museum, we were museum'ed out and decided to head south to his favorite place - Tiffanies! Along the way, I convinced him to allow us to talk through Central Park after PROMISING him that we weren't going to be mugged... After all, it was during the Gates exhibit (which no one understood, but it was still neat to see).

The Gates.

During our walk through the park, we had a celebrity moment - we walked right past Dianne Wiest who was taking an afternoon stroll. I told Barry about it as soon as I could without looking like a complete tourist loser, and he was ready to run after her to say hello. Fortunately, I was able to convince him not to do that since she probably didn't come walking through the park to be accosted by passersby.
Finally, though, after a delightful walk through the park, and passing by the Bronx Zoo, we made it to Barry's Mecca:

Why is this man smiling?

Yes, we stopped off in Tiffanys, where Barry was more than helpful in picking out future Xmas, anniversary and birthday gifts for him. After a quick run around inside, we continued on to see the Disney store, St. Pats Cathedral, and Rockefeller Square before heading back to the hotel. A full day that resulted in BOTH of us collapsing exhausted in the room!
If you passed the BRONX Zoo on your way thru Central Park, you have either (a) amazing sci-fi abilities to warp through mere geographical reality; or (b) a reeeeeeeally bad sense of direction! Yes, I suspect you meant that little roadside-attraction-for-the-rich thing with animals that Central Park calls a "zoo", but some of us who grew up in the Bronx can be a little... superior... about the manifest superiority of our homegrown Wildlife Conservation Facility (another in-joke). It's like the Yankees and the Mets, only in this case the Mets are the long-term, consistently prize-winning team, but the Yankees still have Steinbrenner's money *sigh*. On a happier note, did I ever tell you that Queen Hatshepsut's Sekhmet statues at the Metropolitan are among my favorite things in the universe? -- Best, Anne Laurie
Yeah, yeah, yeah. OK - so I'm geographically challenged. But it was a Zoo, and I *was* in NYC... That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :)
And no, I didn't know that Queen Hatshepsut's statues were your favorite things!! I just loved going through all of the egyptian exhibit at the Met.
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